Is It Over Now?

Coming to you from the Florence airport! After our disappointing Friday rain delay, we had a lovely sunset with pink clouds. 

I left Siena yesterday since my flight back to the States is very early this morning, but 20 of my students (plus Professor E) came to say goodbye yesterday morning - some of them are pictured below!

I took the bus from Siena to Florence amid another downpour, one strong enough to fell a tree on the highway. We creeped past it thanks to the help of the carabinieri patrolling the scene, and I took this nonsense picture of the tree out my window. It made me laugh. I'm not sure why.

I got to the hotel that I had booked for my one little night in Florence. It was bare bones and pretty small, but just what I needed, plus a lovely view! The room was air conditioned, too, which I'm not used to at this point, so I froze all night, despite being aggressively tucked in under the blankets. Italy has changed me...

I went to sleep at 6:30pm so that I would get a full night's rest before leaving for the airport at 3:45 this morning. The Palio did happen yesterday, and Lupa (Wolf) ended up winning, which absolutely no one expected! You can watch the race at this link. Porcupine was set up to win from before the race even started, but got edged out at the very beginning and never managed to make a comeback. Another loss for my horse friend Viso d'Angelo :(

My flight takes off in about an hour and a half, so I'm just hanging out until then, but then it's off to Paris for my little layover and then the long-haul to Minneapolis. You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home!


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