Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

It's been about ten months since you last heard from me - welcome back! I'm delighted to report that I once again find myself in Milan, and as I prepare for the descent of 28 eager Harvard undergraduate students into this hallowed city, I'm also preparing to once again share the next nine weeks with you. So thank you for being an avid reader of the stories, jokes, meals, and many brands of chaos that are sure to follow. My students must feel like they're stars of their own show.

My flight from Minneapolis to NYC went smoothly despite being terribly early in the morning, and after a few hours of wandering through the airport during my layover, I took my seat in 51J of the plane to Milan. I had mozzarella manicotti for my plane dinner before my extra-strength melatonin bought me 93 minutes of sleep. I awakened, I watched The Office, and I ate a chocolate hazelnut calzone for breakfast before we flew over the Alps to land in Milan. Such magnificent beauty! I took the train from the airport and then walked from Central Station to the Residence, where I was greeted by familiar faces and given the key to my room so that I could go nap. Don't tell my professor, he doesn't believe in napping!!

Thursday brought an onslaught of errands to run. One of our students arrived in Milan early, so she came with me for a handful of my tasks, and we got in some good chat time. We went to the phone companies to get brochures so that the other students can choose their SIM cards judiciously and then got metro cards sorted and paid for. Afterwards, we picked up 44 navy blue, embossed notebooks for everyone involved in the program. I think Moleskine must co-sponsor this summer abroad program, because I felt like a walking advertisement for their paper products as I hauled them through the city... I cooled off and drank lots of water and then went grocery shopping so that I can cook in my little kitchenette on my days off. Rotini alla bolognese tonight!

So that leaves me here at Residence Zara, eagerly awaiting the arrival of my professor, colleagues, and 28 children. Let the babysitting begin! Please pray for me... and keep reading along as the summer progresses!




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